Being able to speak well in public is an important career and personal development tool for any person.
Held in a positive and supportive atmosphere which fosters skill-building and personal transformation, this workshop will help you:
- replace fear with awareness
- find courage to speak with confidence
- manage nerves
- engage the audience and encourage action
- look professional
Come prepared with a presentation (with or without visual aid). It can be anything from a work presentation, a sales pitch, a motivational talk, a wedding toast, a job interview presentation, etc - After each presentation, there will also be a Question and Answer session.
Join our workshop to experience your confidence shift!
Limited participants, registration is required.
Registration fee: 5 Euros
To register and have more information, please email us at:
*** As we have done in the previous month, we will feature the speaker of the month on our network! :)
Lieu : CP Formation
Ville : Metz
Département : Moselle
Région : Grand Est
Pays : France
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