Luxembourg’s upcoming Austinn produce a fresh and distinctive indie-pop sound, loaded with lush guitars, catchy melodies and straightforward vocals. Drawing comparisons to The Kooks and The Wombats, Austinn offer up a wealth of addictive tunes built on their own brand of songwriting, instrumentation and vocal harmonies. Though the band members have spent their entire life saturated in music and performance, it is the release of this brand-new project that will mark their true musical introduction to the world. The band’s first songs have been recorded and produced by Matt Squire in Los Angeles (USA).
On Saturday 26 September, they will be officially releasing a new single while playing their first-ever show in Luxembourg at the Floor of the Rockhal, supported by local indie-pop outfit Tuys.
Prix: 5€ incl. presale fee
Doors: 21h00
Show: 21h30
Organized by: MetR Rockhal
Lieu : Rockhal
Adresse : Avenue du Rock’n’Roll
Ville : Esch-sur-Alzette
Département : Luxembourg
Région : Luxembourg
Pays : Luxembourg
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